Adolescent Data

All the raw and curated data is provided for download below.

Raw sequence reads

Raw sequence data is deposited as .bam files in the sequence read archive under accession SRP135960, available at

Useful if you want to reanalyze everything from scratch. Note that these .bam files are output files from the cellranger pipeline; The original cellular index is available in the CR tag and the UMI in the UR tag.
Expression values and metadata per cell
19 GB

Available as a single file L5_All.loom, with one cell per column and one gene per row. Metadata is available as row and column attributes.

Suitable for exploring single cells.
Expression values and metadata per cluster
113 MB

Available as a single file L5_All.agg.loom, with one cluster per column and one gene per row. Metadata is available as row and column attributes.

Suitable for exploring cell types.

Note: expression data is provided in Loom format. See to learn how to work with Loom files from your favourite programming language.

Subsets of data are also available as loom files here: